Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Helping your Child to Succeed in and out of the Dojo

Success is defined differently by each individual. It is based on their personal goals, their interests, their skills and abilities, and their values. But while we all may define “success” differently, there are some common elements that help determine if someone will achieve success.

Success requires dedication. A person must be committed to his or her goals to achieve success. In addition, success involves taking some risks. Not in the sense of “risky behavior,” but in the sense of stretching one’s abilities, knowledge, and skills. To be successful, we must also know what our talents and abilities are, and where they can best be used. Finally, successful people look at failure differently than others. They see it as just one more step towards their eventual accomplishment.

Discuss what success means to you with your child. Let them know why you define it as you do. And explain how that definition has impacted your life. No one will have greater impact on your child’s future success than you.

Other Things Parents & Caregivers Can Do to Help Their Child Succeed In and Out of the Dojo

Provide a healthy diet. We have all seen the horrendous statistics about the increase in child obesity over the last two decades. Good health starts with a healthy diet. Be sure to monitor the
amount of sugars and fats you child consumes. In addition, avoid fast food alternatives to healthy, home-cooked meals. Give them permission to make mistakes. No one is perfect. But often, whether it’s in school, on the court or field, in band, or in the dojo, our children often get the impression we expect perfection from them. Let them know it is ok to make mistakes.
Help them understand it is part of the learning process. Give them the freedom to be creative and to take positive risks – the kind that lead to personal growth. Provide them examples of people you consider successful. After you have discussed your definition of success, give your child examples of people you believe fit that definition. Explain how and why those people became successful. Let your child know that you believe they can be successful, too. Demonstrate interest and concern in your child’s activities.

Whether it is school, martial arts, music, or any other activity you child participates in, nothing will give them a boost towards success like knowing you care. Parental involvement is crucial to the future success of a child. No one will have more influence over your child’s success than you, take advantage of this opportunity to help your child be successful for his or her entire life!

MJA Martial Arts, Inc.
64 Main Street
2nd Floor
Spencer, MA 01562

Serving the following Worcester County Massachusetts areas: Spencer, Oxford, Sturbridge, Southbridge, Worcester, Brookfield, Shrewsbury, Worcester, Millbury, Auburn, Leicester, Paxton, Holden, Rutland, Charlton, Barre, Webster, Brimfield, Oakham, Warren, Dudley, Princeton and surrounding towns.

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