Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Summer Fun Days Program for Children, Serving Worcester, MA Areas

Are you looking for summer programs for your children while they are on summer vacation from school? MJA Martial Arts is offering a Karate Summer Fun Days Program at our school in Spencer, MA. Our summer program serves children in the Worcester, Massachusetts area.

Our Karate Summer Fun Days program is educational and fun!Summer Programs for School Vacation - Programs for kids.  MJA Martial Arts, Spencer, MA

We will teach your children life skills like we do in our current Karate programs. All activities will be based on discipline, respect, and self-control, as well as how to deal with peer pressure. Your child will also develop the physical skills he/she needs: jumping, rolling, bobbing, weaving, and regular calisthenics to help stay healthy in their daily lives. All this wrapped up in one exciting week of absolute fun!

Summer Fun Karate Programs Worcester County, MA

Karate Activities

  • Archery
  • Warm-ups & Focus Pad Drills
  • Movies
  • Sword Sport (Foam Swords with protective Gear)
  • Character Building Lessons
  • Sparring Drills
  • Defeating the Bully Story (MA for Peace Program)
  • Lunch
  • Ninja Tigers Game (helps children with coordination and physical skills)
  • Introduction to Kung Fu for kids (NEW)
  • Crafts
  • Sensei Says
  • Obstacle Course
  • Hand Drums & Karate
  • Board Breaking
  • History of Martial Arts & Weapons
  • Our Karate Fun Days program last year was very successful. All who participated had lots of fun. Don’t wait register early to get the week(s) you want.

    Karate Summer Fun Days 2010 Program Schedule

    1st Week: July 12 - July 16
    2nd Week: August 2 - August 6

    We have the best certified instructors

    All Head Instructors are certified Black Belts. All instructors and assistant instructors are under the direction of Sensei Mike Agbay and also teach in our current Karate programs. We take pride in being teachers so we make safety our number one goal.

    Sensei Michael Agbay
    Director of Karate Programs
    3rd Degree Black Belt American Kenpo Karate
    Black Sash in Wing Chun
    Certified in First Aid & CPR

    Assistant Instructor Ron Brown, Jr.
    Black Belt
    Certified in First Aid & CPR

    Assistant Instructor Michael Frustaci
    2nd Degree Brown Belt
    Certified in First Aid & CPR

    Serving the following cities & towns in the Worcester, Massachusetts area:

    Spencer, E. Brookfield, Leicester, N.Brookfield, Paxton, Rochdale, Charlton, Oxford, Sturbridge, Southbridge, Worcester, Brookfield, Shrewsbury, Millbury, Auburn, Holden, Rutland, Barre, Webster, Dudley, Brimfield, Oakham, Warren, and Princeton

    Wednesday, February 10, 2010

    Tai Chi Classes now held on Thursdays & Sundays!

    MJA Martial Arts in Spencer, MA is pleased to announce a new schedule for Tai Chi classes. Tai Chi classes are now available on Thursdays & Sundays. New students are invited to stop in for a FREE trial class.

    No one is too young or too old to start and benefit from learning Tai Chi!

    Styles offered:
    Yang Style for beginners and intermediate.
    Chen & Bagua for advanced.

    Tai Chi Program Curriculum:

    In this program, MJA Coach Karim-Ben Saunders will teach you the fundamentals of Tai Chi Chuan: Tai Chi Walk, Tai Chi Stances, Relaxation, Proper Body alignment and Qigong. The word Qigong (pronounced chi kung) is a combination of two ideas: "Qi" means air, breath of life, or vital energy of the body, and "gong" means the skill of working with, or cultivating, self-discipline and achievement. The art of Qigong consists primarily of meditation, physical movement, mind-body integration, and breathing exercises. Practitioners of Qigong develop an awareness of qi sensations (energy) in their body and use their mind to guide the Qi.

    After learning the Tai Chi basics, we will begin your Tai Chi training. When working on Tai Chi, we will focus on the Thirteen Principles of Tai Chi, the Eight Energies of Tai Chi and the Six Harmonies. As you progress, you will learn more complex Tai Chi forms, Tai Chi Weapons and Pushing Hands.

    We will also teach Chen Style Tai Chi and other Internal Arts such as Xingyi Chuan and Bagua Zhang. These styles are taught to advance students.

    Learn more about our Tai Chi classes at: www.MJAMartialArts.com

    MJA Martial Arts, Inc.
    64 Main Street, 2nd Floor
    Spencer, MA 01562

    Serving the following Worcester County Massachusetts areas: Spencer, East Brookfield, Leicester, North Brookfield, Paxton, Rochdale, Charlton, Oxford, Sturbridge, Southbridge, Worcester, Shrewsbury, Millbury, Auburn, Holden, Rutland, Barre, Webster, Dudley and surrounding towns.

    Friday, February 5, 2010

    Self-Defense, Which Self-Defense Program is right for you?


    My name is Michael J. Agbay I’m the owner/founder of MJA Martial Arts, Inc. in Spencer, MA. I’ve been in the business of self-defense since 1994. I’ve been training in the Martial Arts for over 30- years and I’ve seen and experienced all different styles of self defense.

    Which Self-Defense Program is right for you?
    We hear this phrase quite often, but do we really understand what it means? By definition, “Self-Defense is the act of defending oneself, ones property, or the well-being of another.”

    When you hear the phrase, “self-defense,” most people think of the Martial Arts Styles. There are numerous types of Martial Arts Systems. Many styles of martial arts are practiced for self-defense or include self-defense techniques.

    Historically, martial arts systems were created, tested, and used in combat. That’s right COMBAT! No rules...no laws. In modern times we see so many different things happening in the Martial Arts that we may become more confused than ever.

    Martial Arts are broken down in two very simple categories, Sport or Combat.

    Sport Martial Arts
    While sport martial arts may be effectively applied for self-defense, it is not the primary training objective. Sport martial arts have rules and regulations. Some martial arts schools combine several styles together for competitive sport. This is most often referred to as Mixed Martial Arts or MMA.

    Combat Martial Arts
    Combat martial arts styles train primarily for self-defense. Combat martial arts have no rules. It’s a matter of surviving, not winning. There are no winners in combat, just survivors.

    What’s the relationship between Self-Defense & Martial Arts Systems?

    The Martial Arts are a discipline. It takes many years to develop skill, muscle memory, timing, reaction, physical and mental conditioning and speed.

    Self-defense techniques, however, can be learned in a much shorter time than a Martial Arts System. One can learn simple and effective Self-Defense techniques that, with a little practice, will be very effective in a Self-Defense situation.

    However, when training specifically in self-defense techniques alone, you are limiting yourself by not getting into the finite details and challenging yourself physically and mentally. Your instructor can give you additional insights that you can use in a self-defense situation such as learning the physical vital target points on the body, as well as the specific natural weapons to use in a given situation. By studying a Martial Arts System you will be able to build a solid foundation in the system that you choose. You will learn how to be healthy, fit and stress free.

    Martial Arts Systems

    How do you find a Martial Arts System that is best for you?

    Everyone has their own preferences. I relate it to buying clothes. When we shop for clothing, we may choose something that is attractive, but it may not always be practical.
    When you choose a Martial Arts style for self-defense purposes, you should choose something that you find attractive however, it has to work in combat. I tell my students to “Train as if it were real!” Once you learn something you need to test it out for combat!

    Martial Arts Systems takes years to learn and develop. There are no short cuts.

    There are three phases of learning the Martial Arts.

    1. Primitive Stage – Beginner
    2. Mechanical Stage - Intermediate
    3. Spontaneous Reaction stage – Advanced

    I love and respect all martial arts systems, but I do not feel every Martial Artist represents their system well. I have some of my students who are 10 – 12 years old come up to me and say, “Sensei my friend at school is a 11 and has his 2nd Degree Black Belt and he’s only been training for 2-years.” My reply is they think they are a black belt because their teacher told them they are a black belt.

    These children may possess discipline, respect, self-control and self-confidence which are all character traits of what all martial artists should be. This does not, however, determine physical and mental martial skills. I feel bad for these children, because they are being misled into thinking they are Black Belts. It gives them a false sense of security, and if they get in a street confrontation they may end up learning the hard way.

    It is important that you understand the difference between sport and combat martial arts.
    Do not be misled into believing that flying cart wheel kicks and doing weapon katas with swords and bow staffs flying in the air are effective in a real life self defense situations!

    There is nothing wrong with these “systems” as long as you understand that these gymnastics are not for self-defense. In a street fight both feet will never leave the ground! Weapons never leave your hands.

    There always will be SPORT martial arts and there will always be COMBAT martial arts. Just know the difference!